*Was thinking about getting out of bed this morning, and all of a sudden heard a bit of 'bok-bok-boking' from the chickens in their coop. It's just outside our bedroom window, partly for safety's sake. We figure we'll hear if any wild animals decide to investigate in the middle of the night.
Anyway, I let the birds out, and there was a brown egg all warm and toasty in one of the nesting boxes. Assuming it was Piglet again, after laying one on Sunday. And considering I'm teaching the kids Spanish now (we live in the South; it seems appropriate), we say, "Tenemos seis huevos ahora." Yeah, we have six eggs now. Madelyn laid her fourth today as well. Have we eaten them? No. Kind of enjoying our collection. And there's a rhythm now. The layers are hitting it every-other-day. When the other three catch on, we should have quite a bowl of eggs.
*And had a nice time last night at dinner with sweet Indian boyfriend and his dad who came over here. SIB's mom and sister have been in Florida over the weekend, so we had a cook-out and asked the men to come over. As always, it was interesting to hear SIB's dad talk about India. And with him being raised over there, he still interjects Hindi into the conversation. So different. So amazing. So foreign!
*Lastly, struggling over Sunday School for our teenage kids (one is our youngest son who's 17, and middle daughter who's 14). The church (while very conservative in a political sense), is more liberal in some of their entertainment choices. The young folks have been invited to have what they're calling Christian movie night this weekend, with 'Batman Begins' as the choice. Something about teaching them varied views of 'justice.' I'm sorry but I can't get my head around that. Besides some mild language, which is a bit bothersome, the violence is enough for me to say....NO. Supposedly 'Christianity Today' magazine (which I'm on the fence about anyhow) has a curriculum using movies to reach out to teens.
What I'm seeing in parents and their children is a growing attitude involving a changing of the roles. The kids are very strong-minded, with the parents the opposite, so the children are instructing their parents on how they want to grow up and not the other way around. I see the parents as easily intimidated by their own children. What is UP with that?
And the language some of these kids spew out of their mouths. Good grief. In the church hallway, after church. Are you kidding me? One homeschooled girl was talking to middle daughter on Sunday after the service, and said a particular word within my hearing. Our daughter winced at me as I turned around, and the girl just had a goofy expression on her face. She thinks it's cool, I guess. Well, it's not. These girls need to be learning to be respectful and respectable young women, not loose-talking so and so's.
So I have issues with the whole attitude toward the young people at church. Nobody's leading them, but allowing the bad behavior and manners to flourish. Gary says to not criticize vocally unless I have a solution. Brother. I'm already helping teach the little children's SS. I don't have all the answers, I realize, but there's a problem.
Don't get me started on their Facebook pages either. Some folks weren't taught to have filters on their mouths.