Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday afternoon

Ready to chill for a bit.  Got up early to be dressed when the termite guy got here.  Was planning on putting the chickens back in the hen house while he was here, but with Nora setting, we didn't.  They get flustered when all are in the coop when one is laying.  They need privacy at that time. :)

I think the termite guy was intrigued with the chickens, and I don't blame him.  It's not everyday you see them in the city.  He was most curious as to whether they bite.  The answer is no.

Then took half a dozen to a neighbor.  Interesting story:  She's in her seventies, and has lived in the house across the street with her youngest son, who's my age, for about 7-8 years.  She's the one with the grown kids and grandkids who always fight and scream in the front yard.  Anyway, she's a strong Christian woman, but her lifestyle would put you at odds with that fact.  Turns out, her husband who she married in 1953, is moving in with them after the new year begins.  When they married, she lived with him 2 weeks (with his extended and large family) then went back home.  She already had a child before she met this man.  After she left, they went their separate ways, but always kept in touch.  They never divorced.  She went on to have 6 living children.  None of her children are his.  At this point of information, I had the sense to ask no more questions.  Too much sharing.

A year or so ago, the married man she'd had a long-term relationship with passed away.  The kids weren't his either.  Gary went to the funeral (the only white face present) and he said it was strange to see this man's wife for the first time.  And our neighbor's husband has been living with another woman himself for decades---being unmarried seems to be acceptable.  I know our neighbor wrestled with the fact she was playing around and not pleasing the Lord. She's said as much to me many times.  I think she feels relieved to be having her husband back.  So strange, but a good ending to the story, I think.

Our second son, who goes to an inner-city black church, says that the black community is well versed in living a different life away from church than they do on Sundays.  At total odds.  That's one of his major frustrations in being there.  There's not a serious attitude about taking that Christian witness beyond the church doors. Guess the temptations of the world overwhelm any good that's done on the weekends.

Don't get me wrong.  It's not just a black issue.  Just seems very prevalent in that venue.

Folks come from such a variety of backgrounds.  At Bunco last night at church, which ended up being not-Bunco since we only had four show up, there was lots of sharing about families and friends. It's sad to hear of so many families with step-children, broken homes and divorce being so common.  To be married over the long haul is an oddity for some people.  

Shaking my head.  Such brokenness.

Anyway, after that visit, to ground myself a bit, I got the kids working on their artwork and I took some scratch (cracked corn and seed mixture) out to hand feed the chickens.  Settling and quiet. Hens are good therapy.