Thursday, September 26, 2013

'The Mercy Prayer' by Robert Gelinas

In Robert Gelinas' book The Mercy Prayer repeated references are made to the Kyrie Elieson (Lord have mercy), which we sing each Sunday at the Anglican church I attend.  And honestly, the reason I first selected this book to review was the cover, which has that ancient church look, always appealing.

Love that he makes numerous Scriptural references, backing up the importance of praying for God's mercy. Really, what more do we need?  He knows our hearts, and for us to be in subjection to Him makes all kinds of sense.  To ask for mercy is to ask for the Lord's heart to be listening to us, to show pity and sympathy. Gelinas shares this beautifully.

I've been a fan of contemplative, mystical Christian literature for so long.  To find modern authors who will take the chance to spread the sweetness of contemplative prayer that the ancients practiced touches my heart.  The icing on the cake was his chapter at the end on The Jesus Prayer, which I've learned as 'Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.'  I'm currently on the hunt for my own copy of the book he refers to, The Way of a Pilgrim.  More goodness.

Thank you for spreading the richness of this sort of prayer, Mr. Gelinas.

(i received this book free to review from booksneeze/thomas nelson)