Busy shaking my head like a St. Bernard, slinging slobber hither and yon. I feel way overwhelmed and don't know where to land.
I was called yesterday by a woman (I don't know) at church who's getting together the memorial service food for an event tomorrow afternoon. My name was recommended to her by our priest, which is pretty blush-worthy. One of my favorite people there just lost her second husband and at this very minute I'm cooking chicken and have cream cheese sitting out to soften. I'm the sandwich person, it seems. It's been ages since I've participated in a baby or wedding shower, but the process is the same. Pimento cheese, chicken salad and cucumber. A piece of cake. We'll get there early and put out the table cloths, dishes and flowers. I really love that sort of thing. Service behind the scenes. Just my style.
It's just the timing that's a bit wonky. School has started and that's exhausting, just the fact of me using my brain for a change. Algebra and Geometry. Ugh.
And while I get all fussed up, it IS an honor to be asked to help. That's a fact. I can handle, pretty much, any inconvenience when I stand back and see what's really going on.
But for the last two days, I've caught a look at myself in the mirror after teaching the kids and the word 'hag' isn't too off course. I look like that old saying, 'Rode hard and put away wet.' Not a vision of loveliness, that's for sure.
And with no car, am juggling with borrowing from oldest daughter, second son and Gary. They're all willing, but it's an added difficulty when you (that'd be me) have to pick up folks as well. More driving around that I care to do.
Whine, whine, whine.
Think I'll finish up here and rest for a bit before mixing up my sandwich fillings. You take care. :)
{and btw, we're up to eight eggs now}