Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Chickens and such

Having a bit of a laugh here.  After dinner, Gary hooked up the desktop computer we have---one I'd totally forgotten about since he usually has the screen set to the television.  So used to the laptops that to see the tower is a bit odd to say the least.  Dusty too.

The funniest part is that it's running Windows XP.  A Zen experience for sure.  I could do crafts in the time it takes the computer to load up stuff, not to mention the inability to run videos in a timely fashion.  But am I in a hurry?  Well, like never!

Anyway, I was thinking about my day, how it started early with chickens and the contrast to my former days without the birds.  I was up before 7am letting them out of the coop.  Within an hour or so, my Nora had laid her second egg of the week.  She's an every-other-day layer, and is so quiet about it.  She calmly goes in the hen house, settles in, waits a bit and out it comes.  One perfect light green egg (which is the normal color for Easter Eggers).  Over the next few hours Piglet, Anastasia and Madelyn had laid theirs as well.  Milk continues to keep her eggs to herself.

The Black Star layers are a bit more enthusiastic than either Nora or Madelyn (both Easter Eggers), screaming out their accomplishments after the fact. Youngest son is a bit quietly high-strung (as is his mother) and when he repeatedly heard their loudness this afternoon, went out there with a shoe to throw at them. We had to head him off, trying to convince him that they really sound like geese after all, don't they?  Maybe the neighbors think it's geese.  Can't have him throwing things at the chickens, though..  It's hard enough lately settling arguments between Daisy the Pug and Milk the head chicken.  Daisy gets pecked on the backside, turns around, high-tails it after Milk, who in turn squawks and runs for all she's worth.  Fat Daisy can't catch up and Milk isn't that fast, so actually, they're pretty evenly matched. They tire out pretty fast.

Anyway, more of the same tomorrow.  Early rising, maybe my tea out back, which is what I did today.  Sort of nice to watch chickens do their business with the sun warming my hair.  If I time it right, I get outside before the least one, who's quite the farmgirl.  I thinks she's truly found her niche.  Glad to supply it for her. Barefoot and toting chickens around.  That's what she's loving the most these days.  Wouldn't take anything for that.