That's my daily morning tea tray in the header photo. I was getting it ready over the weekend, and the light was just right in the kitchen, so I took a snap. Even with my cellphone, it turned out like I wanted it to, and I'm no photographer. Still, sometimes things just work out.
And church was so special and sweet this morning. Two of our children were confirmed today and with the bishop there and the church all dolled up, the service was extra-special. And as usual, I cried throughout the whole thing. I do that. Just wished I'd come prepared. Sad, old tissues in the purse just don't do a person justice when they're needed in an emergency. The Holy Spirit at work. Besides our son who was confirmed is the same one I shared about several months ago. He's made a turn-around and it's been comforting to see his diligence in making changes. In addition, our priest is watching him and he's accountable to him as well as us. All good.
Add to that, the sermon given by the bishop was what I needed to hear. He talked about how the Lord puts us into a place where we might be uncomfortable, but it's still where He'd have us to be. He's not deserted us (I will never leave you nor foresake you.), but that's where we've been placed. More tears. The bishop is a very sweet man besides. When the confirmands went up to kneel before him, he spoke to them individually and specifically---placing holy oil on their foreheads and praying over them. This is serious business. It's not just a ritual, but a sacred benediction on each person. More tears.
The bishop is well-versed in hardship. He and his wife were involved in an awful traffic accident a few years back and he still doesn't appear to have full control over his walking or hand movements. And his wife is battling cancer. We all have our struggles. Just hard to see other folks' hurts when we're so focused on our own.
A wonderful start to the week. Enjoy yours. :)
{54 chicken eggs to date---four today, which seems to be the norm now. Milk still refuses to participate!}