This might be lengthy, so you may need to fetch a snack first.
Lots of things on my mind, first and foremost, I had a good night's sleep---and it's the best one in months and months. Maybe longer than that. Years?
Here's the thing. While I dearly miss our dog, Opal, I don't miss the way she always had to get up at 6am or even earlier, for her breakfast. That dog was a fool for her meals. Even as a puppy. And since our second son still comes by our house for a late dinner on his way to his apartment after he leaves the restaurant (which I love that he does this), it gets us to bed, sometimes at one a.m. So, six o'clock and even 5:30am in the summer for Opal was just plain mean. Try to get back to sleep after dealing with four dogs and four chickens. It sort of wakes you up.
So, oldest daughter (who alternates getting up with them) and I decided to just let the dogs wake up whenever, since Opal wasn't here to stir up everybody. Bliss. Sadly it's true. Until we got Romeo 3 years ago, I was the one who'd always get up. After our daughter found him at work (someone just dropped him off in her employer's shop backyard) and brought him home (yeah, we're suckers), we've taken turns. She felt since she dumped another dog on us that she should share in the responsibility, and I gladly accepted her morning help.
And now it turns out Romeo, Daisy and Violet enjoy a good lie-in. Bless their hearts. And the chickens aren't in a big hurry to leave the coop since it's getting cooler. Nice this morning to wake up when I was done sleeping and not before. Makes a HUGE difference in how I feel. So this is what folks talk about when they say they feel rested. Huh. Who knew?
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Also, talked to Gary about my shaky mental health last night. Came to the conclusion all on my own that I tend to put my mom's needs first in my head and they should be on down the list. God first, my family (especially Gary) next, then the kids, then my mom. I'm tucked in there somewhere, hopefully before my mom. Hmmm, seems this list needs further work.
But in celebration of ME, I worked on my herbal lessons this morning before the kids got up. Wrote down some healing recipes in my book I'm creating (I want it to appear sort of magical with drawings and such) and I enjoyed that. Have set my own schoolwork aside for too long of a time, so I was refreshed. Have got to pay attention to me or I'll just dry up.
Now. Have fully purged my thoughts. It's been a good day. Got in some painting too. Am renewing the white trim in the bathroom and gradually doing the kitchen cabinets as well. I tend to give up before beginning sometimes and am taking baby steps instead. I'll whittle out the painting just like I read Middlemarch and am now reading Les Miserables. A tiny bit at a time.
Done now. Take a break.