Took one son to Whole Foods this evening after dinner to get the remaining ingredients for Rosemary Gladstar's Fire Cider, or a fair copy. Something new to me, it's made of raw horseradish, raw ginger root, jalapeno peppers, onion, lots of garlic---layered in a jar and then weighted and covered with unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Set aside for up to a month, then strained and flavored with raw honey. Saves all through the winter, and is said to help stave off the creepies. Looking forward to mixing it all up, and will hunt down some plastic gloves. Makes me happy to do this stuff. I could make tinctures, etc. all day and be content. That being said, I have an Elderberry tincture and an Echinacea one to strain and bottle up tomorrow. I'll be busy.
And just ordered some herbs online at Mountain Rose Herbs (things I can't find at the hippy store here) to fill capsules for winter's additional healing if we're hit with coughs. I'm thinking the flu won't call at our door since we all had it last year and it seems we get about 12 months worth of immunity. That's been the case in the past.
And tomorrow is middle daughter's sixteenth birthday. Fun. Deep dish apple pie (instead of cake) for dessert and Spanakopita (with chicken) for dinner. More fun. And in addition to middle daughter's gifts, we found two cups and saucers (at TJ Maxx) for both her and the least one, so they both get a gift first thing in the morning. Bought them a cinnamon roll to split too. Can't wait to see what they say about them.
Going to settle into the rest of the night now. I bought two bars of soap at the store tonight as well. Almond is one and the other is called Dirty Hippie and is made of Patchouli and Nutmeg, heavy on the Patchouli. Smells delicious. A hot bath sounds nice. Then will find something easy to read in bed---had begun and gotten pretty far in William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury and it makes my brain hurt. So different from the book of his I read last week and enjoyed so much. I need a break from thinking.
Time for quiet.