Gosh I'm yakky today. That's what sleep will do for a person, I reckon. More please.
I did enjoy this morning. Got up at 7:15 and went out to sit with the chickens. Gary made me a bench and put it in the chicken run. I'd not been sitting there 5 minutes before Milk hopped in my lap. Cozy on my bathrobe. Nora followed after him, both of them snuggled inside my arms. Can you even imagine the joy this gives me? Chickens in my lap. Never gets old. Milk was all prickly because she's molting. Had to hold her gently because the molting tends to make them a bit edgy, and I've read that they get sore.
I'd given them all a bowl of wheat flake cereal in milk (Nora has a weakness for bowls of cold milk), and after Milk and Nora had finished, Anastasia and Madelyn ate the leavings. They hopped up on the bench next to me when they were done. All of us sitting like we were waiting for a bus.
Guess I am truly the Chicken Whisperer. Talk sweetly and softly, move gently and they'll be your pals. I do love them so.
Must go now. Am out of words.