Lately, our children have had more of an open-ended situation come Friday. My mom has taken a liking to having our youngest (18) son with her on that day. If it's needed, he'll do her yard, but mostly they just visit. It's good for both of them. He'll take his schoolwork with him. And the two youngest girls left here with me get to chill a bit. We don't realize how wired we are during the rest of the week until Friday rolls around. Usually pretty tuckered.
Those girls have made a habit of having their own tea party in the mornings---every morning, except weekends. After the working class here leave they'll put on the tea kettle, get out one of our prettiest teapots (that need using), and will prepare tea. Breakfast and a hot pot of tea, with pretty china. I had to get over my angst at things possibly breaking, but it's just stuff. They get such pleasure out of it, and it makes me happy to see them all settled on the sofa with their tea things set out on the coffee table in front of them. They'll watch an I Love Lucy CD or just sit. A sweet way to start the day.
I know. Precious. But they really do do this. Guess in some things I've set a good example. :)
And as usual lately, I've had my tea in bed. I'm taking it slow. With my overdoing it mentally earlier in the week, trying to get my focus. The girls and I will get Mom some groceries later on this afternoon and will do her cleaning. I hate it. Seriously, I dread it like nothing else. Honesty. There's such guilt associated with going to my mom's house. When you're the child who never did quite cut it (what is UP with that?), you drag around an emotion of 'never good enough' and it's hard to shake. No matter what you do, it's there.
So, I'm going to look ahead to tomorrow when oldest daughter and I go off on a day trip. Just an hour or so away, but I told her I'd treat her to lunch in a small town south of us. Will take photos and report of our day afterwards.
See. If you dangle a treat up in front of you when a trying situation has to be mastered, it's
much easier to deal with things. Oh, and Sunday is our church's saint's Feast Day, St. James. We'll have a fish fry (which we do every year), and I have the joy of doing the flowers for someone's birthday, and setting up the altar. Joy. The girls will make a pumpkin pie or two and pasta salad to add to the growning tables. A wonderful day all around. Oh, and the service will have incense. Bliss as well.