Sometimes you read a book at a particular time and you know the Lord has placed it in your hands right then. That's the way it was for me, reading Michele Cushatt's book Undone. And, seriously, they should sell it with a pencil attached, because I underlined throughout the entire book.
Michele shares her journey through a cancer diagnosis (which I can't relate to, but learned from), divorce (which also isn't on my radar), unruly teenagers (yes to that), telling a child they have to move out when they refuse to follow the house rules (again yes), becoming a foster parent to three little ones (oh my) and all the varied experiences of a believer who's just trying to find their way (amen).
With abundant grace and humor, she shares her life. All the ugly bits and the parts where God is truly a Loving God. The book is beautiful.
For anyone, I'm thinking women, but from the reviews it appears men are also blessed, who feels at a loss, this book could be a huge blessing. I know it was for me.
(i received this book free to review from booklookbloggers)