Thursday, March 26, 2015

Healing things

Was able to buy a couple of concoctions for healing today.  Thuja Occidentalis for skin stuff (a wart and skin tags specifically) and Eleuthero tincture for my poor weak adrenals.  Probably my immune system is pretty shot and any help will be beneficial.  Interestingly enough, I'd not know that warts are generated by a virus.  The Thuja from what I've read, if taken orally (it's tiny pills), can work from the inside out and clear out the virus.  I find that wonderful.  Topical cures don't always work for that very reason.  We'll see how this flies.

The Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) is useful as a mild stimulant in place of caffeine, plus it makes your adrenal glands happy.  Mine need lots of that, since they've been mistreated.  By my children.

Might make myself a Spring Tonic too.  As it is, I strained out several herbs (after their four weeks of steeping) and ended up with five little brown glass bottles of Echinacea in EverClear, five of Elderberry in Vodka, a Passion Flower in Rum, and a Chasteberry in Rum.  

While I only dabble in embroidery and handwork, don't knit and rarely crochet dish towels, I do enjoy a morning of mixing my medicines.  Guess that's my super power.