Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday evening

Wonderful weather.  Cloudy, but so pleasant.  A couple of windows up, but not many because Daisy the Pug has had her cough again.  Giving her echinacea, and she's better.   Raining now, but still, the temperatures are dishy.  Relaxes my spirit.

Bible study last night with the first 12 chapters or so of Isaiah.  Gary's been going, and he's getting to know folks, albeit that they're Anglicans (insert laughter), and he's seeing that they're not too scary.  Just folks.  My dear Presbyterian husband.  He's learning.  He knows I'm not budging, not in rebellion, but in belonging-ness.  

At the end of the study last night, our priest was talking about the Eucharist and why he has his back to the congregation when he prepares it, and I was mesmerized.  I just love listening to him---he's been blessed with a teaching gift.  He faces the cross which is at the top of the altar, breaks the bread and holds it up--and does the same with the wine.  He was talking about facing the heavenlies in worshiping the Father.  Liturgical East.  It's all so beautiful when it's explained.  So worshipful. 

~ ~ ~ 

And got to spend some time with the chickens before dinner.  Cleaned out their house a bit, gathered up the eggs, and sat while they ate some bread and seed I'd brought out.  As usual, Milk hopped up in my lap.  Adore.  The.  Chickens.  But you knew that.

Now drinking Vanilla tea and thinking about Spring Break, which I'm just beside myself about.  It begins NOW, not Monday.  We're going to bake chocolate chip cookies for some new neighbors---both rentals, one has a mess of young men in it, very friendly it seems, and another is a single mother with two little girls.  Just making folks welcome in our pleasantly ragged little neighborhood. :)

Music update:  Loving me some Spotify again (free is always a good thing), this time a Mumford & Sons song called Ghosts That We Knew.  Right about 3:20 is my favorite part.  The instrumental section.  Oh my, it makes me feel so good inside to listen to it.