This Adrenal Fatigue nonsense isn't funny. It affects everything. Was doing fine until our across-the-street neighbor had a bit of drama on Wednesday afternoon played out in their yard and in the street. I won't go into detail but to say it was troubling enough that my already weak system sort of collapsed. And if your body can't respond to stress with adrenaline, then other things act sorta wacky. Again, I won't go into detail. Let's just say that when your adrenaline is low, then your body craves salt, and when your body throws off salt, then---well, you know.
I've been diggin' me some Fritos lately.
So. I'm having to go to extra efforts to chill out. No fussing, no overdoing it, no physically hard tasks, just self-care. And do you know how hard that is? Get ready to jump and do something, and very quickly realize you just can't. Learn how to breathe again because you've gotten into the habit of breathing in a shallow manner. Avoid negativity, because the funny thing is---adrenal fatigue isn't created by the physical, but the mental. Constant pressures in your head result in your body crashing.
If you read about it, you find that one of the cures is pleasure. Joy. Having fun. Meditating. Taking walks. Enjoying you life. Who knew? Your adrenal glands jump in gladness when you smile. When you smile! I'm not kidding.
What could be easier? Or harder if, like me, you're so used to doing for others. Try to put yourself at the top of the food chain for a change, and see how difficult that is. Way difficult.
As a result, I sit outside at night and pray. Leave lots of white space. Not being spiritual here, but needy. Wanting a blessing, but simply experiencing the everyday. I was laying all of this out before the Lord last night, and had requests for each of my immediate family. Then I came to and asked what the Lord would ask of me. I can be so self-centered. Silence. Maybe He's only asking me to show up. And for me, the busy one, even sitting still for that is a sometimes challenge.