Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday evening

Just me and the girls at home today.  Youngest son spent the day at Mom's, which he does most Fridays.  Rain.  Cleaning.  Slowing down.  Lots of quiet time.  Washed all the clothes, folded them in piles on the dining room table for everyone to fetch.  Chicken pie for dinner, which went on hold while Gary cleaned up a partial quart can of white trim paint I upended on our wooden kitchen floor.  Can't tell a thing from the floor, though I'm out a bit of paint. :)  Tidied up a treat.  Darn stuff ran under the dryer and stove.  Imagine that.

Washed our sheets too, which I enjoy having clean, but dislike putting them back on.  Yeah, I have the lazy gene, I guess.  Good at starts, not so good at finishes.

I can't remember when I've done so much puttery housework.  The daze I've been in since our boys went into the Grand Rebellion is lifting just a tad.   Enough to see the glimmer of light.  I'm doing a bit at a time---sort of deep cleaning and re-arranging, but not overdoing it.  Just enough, then I sit down with the Pugs with a glass of lightly vinegar-ed water.

Guess you could say I simply enjoyed the day.

And tomorrow looks fine, weather-wise.  The rain should be clearing up, and the sun beginning to show through.  Will buy flowers for the altar---it's Rose Sunday, a break from Lent (which I don't observe with a fast...just hard to teach this old dog that new trick) and we'll have a pancake breakfast before services.  I'll be setting up the altar as well.  And maybe I'll not forget anything.  Seems I'll put out the wine and wafers, the extra cloths for wiping the goblet rims, etc. and as Communion is being prepared by our priest, I'll jump inside while sitting in my pew, realizing I've forgotten something.  Happens consistently.  Goodness.  Maybe not this week.  Have got a steep learning curve with some of this Anglican business.  But thankfully everyone's the same and we all learn as we go along.

Take care, and remember to take some time.  Think I'll go light my new Peach Cobbler Yankee candle.  And have more tea.  Always more tea.