Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday morning

~the correct way to do a selfie

I saw a book to review with a title about doing twice the amount of stuff in half the time, or something like that.  Seriously?  Are we still into that mindset?  Still multi-tasking?  Say it isn't so.

Which reminds me...

Picked up a reserve book yesterday at the library about Adrenal Fatigue, and I took several of the quizzes and while I don't rank as high on Burnout, I rank as a wash in Adrenal Fatigue.  Surprised I'm still standing upright.   

Made me so relieved to read her suggestions.  I get so tired of being on go all the time.  Even if it's just all in my head... the need to hurry, that is, not imagining my extreme fatigue. 

There's hope.  I'm already trying to avoid confrontation, squeeze in more joyful things to do....really trying to focus on self-care.

Years ago my cousin called me a doormat, not meaning I don't think, to be hurtful.  But see, here it is, I remember that.  So I'm tired of doing all the time, being available.  She had a point.  Even now it applies.

Hanging with my chickens, sitting outside in the sun, digging in the earth, walking barefoot outside when I can, writing in my journals, opening the curtains and windows, and taking time.  We could all do with less hurrying, and more being still.

Here's another thing on my mind.  Mental housecleaning. When we were making plans on moving my Mom to rehab,  I got into it with my brothers.  They weren't involved,  as much I needed them to be,  pretty much leaving all the research and planning to me.  I got all flustered,  and my oldest brother accused me of being overly dramatic.  Okay,  I ask you.  When did it get to be alright for someone to abdicate their role in a situation by leveling accusations,  leaving the accused to assume they were right?

I think part of my inward stress is connected with feeling abandoned to handle my mom's needs either all alone,  or with just my mates here in our house.  My brothers toss money her way, but that's,  pretty much, the extent of their involvement.

I get shamed by my behavior,  and then feel inadequate for the job.  Guilt on my brother's part is likely his motive for attacking.  The thing is,  that's never right.