Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday late afteroon

*Taking next week off for Spring Break (the weather should be clearing off even more), but as a treat today, we all went to a different library across town.

*Stopped by oldest son's work on the way and I was able to give him a hug.  He has such beautiful lavender eyes.  Pained me to see him, knowing how he's living, but until he's ready to make a change, will continue to keep the communication open and pray.

*Went by store on the way home, and oldest daughter bought a coconut layer cake for us to enjoy after dinner.

*Now covered up in bed, curtains pushed aside (drizzly day), drinking a hot cup of creamy tea (PG Tips), pile of new/to re-read books beside me.  I've read Erica Baurmeister's books, but got them again.  A children's book---A House Like a Lotus by Madeleine L'Engle, and Mary Simses' The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Cafe (sensing this one might be too chick lit for right now) and Shakespeare's Kitchen by Lore Segal.  Kept walking the fiction aisles asking the Lord for ideas.  Easy reading to a certain extent, but not too soft. Sometimes I feel as if I've read all the titles that suit me, being that it's so hard to find new books that settle the part of me that yearns for something fresh.  I kept picking up books with the words loss, grief, misery, and drama in them.  Over and over again, and not deliberately.  I have enough of those nouns in my life, so something that brings joy to mind is always appealing.  Oddly, the books I got either deal with cooking, or have cooking terms in the titles.  I'm seeing a trend of where I find my comfort.  

*I have a hankering to do some deep cleaning.  Maybe partly a subliminal message to myself about cleaning in other ways.  Not sure.

*I want to re-fresh the woodwork with a can of glossy white paint.  Gather some old books to re-sell.  Dust behind bookshelves.  Vacuum everything that doesn't move.  Yeah, I can feel spring creeping around the corner.

*Sitting here, wondering how it got to be past 5:30pm without me paying attention.  The day has whooshed by.  Must go boil some more pasta to go with the spaghetti sauce I made yesterday.

*Husband is making spoons today, and looking forward to seeing what he brings home.  Shop has been quiet with the icy weather, but expect things to pick up soon.  I know.  God has this. :)

*Take care, sweet friends.  Must go begin dinner.