Thursday, August 26, 2010

A cool and restful Thursday

Am totally alone at the house in, I can't tell you how long. The dogs are all slung out asleep, and with the temperature being reasonable---86F. just now, I've turned on the fans and cut off the air conditioning. That's how nice this day is. :) (Must be the humidity is lower, because on a humid day, I'd not be able to turn off the air.) A couple of windows are open, and there's enough of a breeze to make it a really nice day inside and out.

Anyway, just thinking about things, praying about others and seeking that quiet peace that comes along when I still my busy brain and just listen. Happens more rarely than I care to admit.

There's tidying to fuss with, a book to read and just settling sort of occupations. The house could use some attention, so the washer is chugging along and I'll hang out a load in a minute. Working on my attitude toward trusting God for things, and re-learning how to rest in Him and not get in the way. That's a tough one for me, but something I need to work on. Or maybe not so much work on but let go.