Feeling a tiny jolt lately since oldest son has shared that he's making plans to move out. I realize it's time for him to go, but that doesn't make it any easier. Have grown quite used to him. :) Shared with my husband how this was making me feel, and he said I ought to tell our son. Well, I did tell him this morning, and got the response I expected. He said he knew how I felt, and sort of walked away. I was reminded of telling my folks about similar things (in my case, it was getting engaged) when I was in my twenties, and getting antsy at them being all emotional about it---my mom especially. I've always promised myself that I'd not cling too tightly to our kids. They don't need me dragging them down. I'll admit to hanging on, though. So, sue me. I've broken my promise.
I read the other day that having children was the only relationship that was supposed to include someone leaving. True, but still a bit of a stretch for this mom.
Was it easier when they were all little and couldn't drive? Well, I'm thinking it was physically harder then, but is emotionally more difficult now. Setting them free out there is huge. I trust our kids, but am not so sure about the world at large.
One down (almost) and only seven to go! Oh brother.