So I see other bloggers write about creative stuff, figuring in my heart that they've got it all nailed down pat, so to speak. They have time to not worry and actually have fun. I figure other folks get their bills paid on time, have perfectly healthy kids, and get along with all of their neighbors. It's this fantasy life I imagine for other people. The life where everything's rosy and nothing disappoints.
That's what the blogging life seems to be, many times. A place we go and share the high points, but never the low ones. Where the kitchen floor is always clean, and the toilet paper never runs out. The pantry is brimming and dinner's in the oven. The housewife is trim and neat and never needs to lose a few pounds.
It's probably similar to the magazines our mothers read. Back then when I was a youngster, (during the sixties and up) women weren't airbrushed to death in magazines, but did model perfect sweater sets and kitchens to-die-for. Publications whether in paper form or online have always had a pocket of perfection to tempt and challenge us.
Maybe that's a good thing. And in my heart, I believe it is. To know that life goes on even when there's a pinch, whether financial or mental. We can't give in to the rough places to the point of giving in, but we need to keep our chins up, so to speak. To not allow troubles to overwhelm us to the point of not seeing what an enormously wonderful thing life is.
And while I have absolutely no answers to the challenges my own family faces, I do know that the Lord would have me rejoice in Him no matter. It IS a good day. :)