Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hidden blessings

OK, so I think the Lord is trying to get a subtle message through to me. I'm not such a hard head, but listen to this neat thing that happened today.

After I brought the kids back home from my mom's, we got a visit from our next-door neighbor's child (a cutie from Ecuador) who's just a year so younger than our youngest son, who's fourteen. Well, the neighbor, Esteban, brought over several boxes of Legos that he didn't play with anymore. Now, anyone who knows this son of ours is aware that he lives and breathes Legos. Literally. They're his favorite thing in the world. He dumps his collection out in the middle of the younger boys' bedroom floor EVERYday, without exception, and thoroughly enjoys himself.

Fast forward to what I'm thinking. Here it is, Esteban just gave them to our son. No payment necessary---bet you see where I'm going with this.

And here it is, I'm so overly concerned with holding my mouth right and not disappointing God that I forget to enjoy my life. I'm consumed, you might say, with getting it right. The thing is, I never do. Or maybe I rarely do.

Our son was blessed and he didn't have to earn it. The Legos were a total surprise, and a gift all rolled up into one. It was just what he would've asked for, if he'd been asking. But he wasn't---God was paying attention anyway. Now, you might think it's frivolous of me to think that the toys were from the Lord, but I don't. If He's interested in everything, then for a child, surely it includes fun stuff.