Sunday, August 15, 2010

A week's beginning

Just checked the weather online and admit to being a tiny bit shocked to see that the heat index is 122F.  Not that it's a surprise, but seeing it in print sort of drives the reality home.  No wonder I had a hard time catching my breath while I sat briefly on the front porch earlier.  I was out there to water the plants, but gave up after pouring one pitcher of water on the hanging vinca.  The rest will have to wait.  *gasp*

I have no enthusiasm for housework or anything outdoors.  The black-eyed Susans need dead-heading badly but that'll have to wait as well.  It's a bit cooler after dark.  Like at 11pm, but still, it's in the nineties.  Isn't that pathetic?  

Well, will get my head into the fact that tomorrow is my last private dance lesson.  Maybe I can convince my sweet instructor to let me pick what we work on.  I'd rather not get into anything new, but focus on what I actually know how to do.  'Course it's been 2 weeks since the last lesson, so depending on my memory, we'll have to see how much I can recall, eh?

Looking forward to what the Lord blesses my husband's shop with this week.  He's had  a bit of a dry spell, but did get a bid accepted last week.  He said he's sorry he low-balled the price, simply in order to get the job, but sometimes that's the way it has to happen.  God is forever faithful, and work still comes in, though only to the degree that we're forced to be faithful.  And that's the way it's supposed to be, right?  Hmmm, that made sense in my head, but not so sure it looks right now that I've written it out! :)