Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A mid-week grump

Woke up in a mood. You know those days. The ones that make a person feel like life is sorta stinky. There are several troublesome situations spinning around in my head regarding folks we're friends with, and I know more information than I'd like. They're weighing me down a bit. But as my friend, Patricia, so wisely says....something to the effect that it's their situation, not mine, so have to keep perspective. I'm reminded of those words continually, because of the wisdom in them. I have enough issues of my own that I don't need to borrow anyone else's.

The thing is, though, that both of the worries I'm thinking about involve kids in some way. Marriages breaking up or becoming overly challenged and the children suffering the backlash. Seems that grown-ups (and I use that term loosely) are all the time making decisions and choices based on their own needs/desires and forgetting that their offspring end up with lifelong damage. Just burns me up.

Focus. Focus.

So will concentrate on the things concerning my life and my family's when I can make a difference. But most times it's smarter for me to keep my mouth shut. Easier said than done (please forgive the pun).

Reading a good book, looking at the new Victoria magazine. That's my evening, after a dinner of beef stew. Maybe tomorrow will look a tad brighter, huh?