Wednesday, August 18, 2010

'Let's Do Lunch' by Roger Troy Wilson

The book, Let's Do Lunch, by Roger Troy Wilson came just when I needed it.  After trying so many diets in order to lose this long-standing baby weight (my youngest is 8, so you get the picture), I've finally found a book with realistic suggestions for losing weight.  The thing is, it's all practical.  Stay away from certain foods that have a history of impeding a person from getting in shape, and eat the ones that help and make you feel good as well.

The best secret in the book is frozen grapes.  The author talks about putting grapes in the freezer to fill him up (you can eat them until you burst), and that hint in itself has helped me to begin the weight loss journey.

At the end of the book, Mr. Wilson shares numerous recipes, which look wonderful and are easy to prepare.  Nothing in the book is unrealistic, but a sensible new way to eat.  And, by the way, I've been following his plan for about 2 weeks, and can definitely say that it works.  I have lost weight, and am recovering from some cravings that have plagued me for years.  Thanks so much, Mr. Wilson!

(This book was provided free to review from BookSneeze/Thomas Nelson.)