Sons number three and four put a fresh coat of white glossy paint on the kitchen cabinets yesterday. I sewed and listened to them chatter and laugh. They just needed something to do---and I needed stuff done. Excellent when I can enlist the kids to do things that I would've had to do in the olden days.
Then when I'd gone as far as possible with the sewing, I went behind the boys and began to put away things again. (could hear my husband's voice in my head saying "it's okay to throw away!" which is his favorite slogan these days) Anyway, have tossed lots of things (husband calls them 'house stinkies'), and re-arranged others. I think there's something about this wretched heat we're experiencing (a heat index of around 115F. is supposed to be the high today) and the need to have fewer things to clean.
It settles my mind as I walk through the house and notice how airy it feels. Mind you, not REAL airy, but a bit better. I'm a pack-rat so any cleaning is a positive.
For the rest of the day will putter and put away. The sewing will pick up on Friday, and by the end of that day should be through with Molly's clown apron/suit. Cuteness! And vegetable soup for dinner will be made from whatever I can find, since the idea of saddling up and going to the grocery store in this heat is a really bad idea. You take care now. I shall drink lots of ice water. :)
(painting is resting by a basket of flowers by myron g. barlow)
(painting is resting by a basket of flowers by myron g. barlow)