Thursday, February 24, 2011

Book recommendation

Finished reading a really good book this afternoon called 'Imaginary Jesus' by Matt Mikalatos.  It's free for a limited time at Amazon in Kindle form, and that's how I got my copy.  It's all about the pretend Jesuses that we tote around and allow to run our lives, being a far cry from Jesus Christ, Son of God.  The book is written in an amusing way at the start, and the author is funny throughout, but when he talks about the real Christ, the joking is all set aside.  We treat the Lord in such a trite way, and this book puts Him back on the throne.  I so enjoyed it.

Will get back to Paul E. Miller's 'A Praying Life' again tonight.  Had the Mikalatos book sitting in my Kindle for a few days, and am glad I've had my head in both books at the same time.  Must be I needed a real taste of reality---of believing that God really is taking care of everything.  I sometimes forget.

Must go drink my tea now and eat a Cadbury creme egg.  The storm is almost completely past us now, and all is well here at home.