Cool story.
I mentioned the other day that our pug, Daisy, was diagnosed with a bladder infection and bladder stones last Saturday. The doctor said she might have to have surgery in a month. Well, after I spent a few days grieving over this, I did some research on what we could do to help her out...the goal being to reduce the size of the stones in hopes of them possibly dissolving. It can happen. She's already on an antibiotic for her cough and the infection, so I added cranberry pills to that. Supposed to help in tandem with the meds. And we've substituted the pugs' tap water with distilled water. The thing is, diet is crucial to the stones forming.
Here's the cool part.
Our next-door neighbor called me this afternoon, saying that a friend of hers had given her a HUGE bag of dog food that she couldn't use with her dogs, and asked if we wanted it. Get this, I looked up the food and the particulars and it appears to be a perfect diet for Daisy.
I love it.