My life and I aren't on good speaking terms just now. Feels like I got 'hold up' along the way, and in the meantime, misplaced my personal road map. I'm confused.
Took my mom to get her Sarmiento splint yesterday, which just looks like football shin guards to me. But still, unique in their own way. She'll be able to have it taken off for her bathing, which will be nice for her. I'm going to call and have her doctor's appointment moved from this Friday to next week, since it seems a tad overwhelming to do two big events in one week. It's tiring for everyone. Well, selfishly, I wanted a day that wasn't hijacked by a scheduled duty.
And I'm not handling things with much grace lately.
I want my own life back, but it's not due to return at any time soon. My mom said she figured she'd be washing her own hair before a month's out, but I don't see it. Her left arm has little range of motion in terms of putting it over her head. The break hasn't healed much, if at all, and it's a waiting game.
Thinking that being a daughter isn't my strong suit. Shoot, being human is difficult enough right now. Waiting for the plumber to get here and repair our dripping tub faucets. Even that small situation is enough to make me slightly crazy. Like ordering pizza on the phone, there are just some things that ring my bell.
Feels sorta good, though, to put my struggles out there to read. To keep a record of days and weeks that don't go to plan. And to see that God hasn't abandoned me, but is standing guard even when I'm a mess. And I do feel a mess.