The best thing about River Jordan's books is that they're full of surprises. Rarely do I anticipate the next plot twist, and her main characters are always engaging. They're just plain likeable.
Her new book, 'The Miracle of Mercy Land' is about a woman, Mercy, who begins her grown-up life in the big city, or as big as she's willing to live in. She's a back woods girl, but in order to grow into an adult, moves to a place called Bay City. There she ends up being the side-kick of the small town editor, Doc, and her life takes on a comfortable dailiness.
The story begins to shake up a bit when Doc shows Mercy a book he claims just appeared on his desk one day, and he has no explanation for it. The book is magical, or possessed one, and they're not sure which is correct. Suffice it to say that it has some sort of power that consumes their everyday lives. From that point on, the tale kicks up a notch, as the stories of folk's lives start to finish begin to pour out of the pages.
I won't tell you more, but do highly recommend this and each of River Jordan's fiction. Good stuff!
(i received this book free to review from waterbrook/multnomah)