Trying to focus before the day wears very far. It's easy to take on the whole week in one mental gulp, and honestly, I'm not ready for that. I was listing out loud the things that have to happen, and oldest daughter reeled me in, reminding me to do just today.
She's absolutely right. I tend to borrow trouble, for the simple reason that I like to know what's up ahead.
I do have to take the boys to work, unless I can enlist oldest son to do that. And I do have to do some certain tasks at home. Those are the grounding things. Vacuuming and dusting, washing clothes, tidying shelves. Mundane occupations are good for my head, allowing the harder stuff to fall into place more smoothly. With my Mom's broken arm drama, our lives here have taken second place in my affections. That's *not* a good idea. Have got to be better at focusing and prioritizing. Yeah, my mom's very important, but if my home life feels scattered, then I do too.
So, taking a deep breath and starting up again. Tiny breaks are so valuable in giving me the opportunity to re-group.
Oh, and by the way, it's been snowing!