Will be at my mom's in the morning to help her bathe and wash her hair. Then the fiasco of me setting her hair will come into play. She was sweet about saying she liked the way it looked after it dried and was combed out last week. 'Course she's a captive victim and can't fuss too much. The girls will do her nails, so that they look pretty again. All in all, she'll have a spa-like day. Plus having the kids to visit will be a perk. Her first appointment with the doctor will be Friday and we'll be able to see her progress with the broken arm. She's not seen him since the first visit. We're prettying her up so she feels good beforehand.
Looking forward to time alone tomorrow afternoon as well. I need it. But will stop at the dollar store first, though. I celebrate the February carousel of gifts for Gary in this month since our anniversary (Saturday will mark 28 years), my birthday, and Valentine's are all the same month. He gets a tiny gift each day. Need to get several little somethings tomorrow to see out the week. And on Saturday, we'll use the gift cards given to us by the boys' boss at the restaurant where they work. Oh, and one more thing...one son is training to be a cook there. Pretty neat.
Will go now. A hot cup of Darjeeling is waiting.