Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday noon

  • dinner (beef burgundy) was perfect, if I do say so myself, and will attempt another dishy dish this next weekend, and using cooking wine worked really well
  • might try coq au vin next
  • also, robert duvall's movie 'get low' was a treat...more serious in content than the trailer leads you to believe, but still, he's wonderful in anything
  • great weather today with the storms moving on east---breezy and just right for hanging out clothes
  • oldest daughter at my mom's---taking her mcdonald's for lunch and a gift she bought her as well
  • plain old navy bean soup for dinner---must keep it down to earth here since we can't eat french food every night!
  • the forsythias look beautiful in the front yard (we have 5 of them) and the yellow is so snappy
  • will share a knock/knock joke before leaving...hope it makes you chuckle like it did me
  • knock/knock
  • who's there
  • little old lady
  • little old lady who?
  • i didn't know you could yodle
Yeah, maybe a pathetic attempt at humor, but I loved it.  Hope you all have a sweet day, and can fit in something fun to make it sparkle.