Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Excellent book on prayer

Second son passed a book along to me, after he saw my enthusiasm for Robert Benson's books on prayer.  This one is called 'A Praying Life' by Paul E. Miller, and while I'm not very far into the book, I am on page 77 and can honestly say that it's totally amazing me in terms on how prayer can be such a frustration.  This writer is so down to earth, not showy at all, and he admits to being flummoxed by prayer.  He says he has times when it seems like 'what's the point?'---admittedly an issue with me.  The ever-present mindset of thinking that God would do 'it' anyway, no matter what 'it' is, whether we voice a prayer or not. 

That's so a 'me' thought process.  Not proud of it, but there you have it.

I won't gloat about it anymore, but it is the perfect read for me right now.  I'm in such a rut of frustration with life sending me curve balls and my glove being inadequate to catch what's being thrown at me.  Must remember that the Father's glove is much more able to handle these sorts of situations.  I'm weak and He's strong, and that's sort of where my life needs to be.  I wrestle with that, though, anyhow.

Even today, talked to Gary on the phone and told him I was surprised at the rain that fell today.  He laughed and said it wasn't my rain and so wasn't my call.  I told him that it's not my reign either.  Guess that's true.  It's God's plan, and I'm a participant, but I'm not the storyteller.