Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sometime on Thursday

Took the kids over to my mom's this morning.  We had spa time...she needed personal grooming done, and I'm sure she felt better afterward.  It's frustrating, though.  I was expecting her to seem stronger and more able to cope, and am hopeful every time I go over there, but this time was disappointed.  While maybe her arm is healing on the inside, her spirits are low.  Told her we'd take her to our church this weekend, but she didn't say much to that. She says she's not ready to go to hers, and I said that if she goes with us she can be totally anonymous.  Nobody knows her there, and we'd be there as a support system.  We'll see how she feels once she's mulled over it.  One thing, she keeps saying she's unsteady on her feet, terrified of falling again.  Still, you have to move around sometime, don't you?

I'm not prepared for her to be so introspective.  This broken arm has broken her spirits a bit as well.  She's at the place now where she's lost her enthusiasm.  Nobody told me it'd be this way.  At the doctor's, it's all about physical healing, but spirits don't enter into the conversation.  And it's hard to be on this side of the situation, powerless to change her, but that is her prerogative.

Can't put myself in her place.  I try, but can't.  I can imagine, though, how maddening it has to be to have to have help bathing.  For me that'd be an ultimate humility.  No, help going to the bathroom would be at the top. 

Oh well.  Went to the health food store for my iron and picked up some Yogi Calm tea as well.  Thinking I should've bought more than one box (slight effort at humor).  My emotions take a beating when I leave my mom's house, and the sticky feelings of sadness of the situation hang on for awhile.  Probably the weather that literally whooshes through here later on tonight will be a distraction.  Hope not too much of one, though.

Take care all.