Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday evening

By golly, I'm tired. Had to go grocery shopping again, and got Mom some stuff as well. While the work load isn't double, it is half again as busy with her being down. My goodness. I got dizzy in the store while fourth son and I went up and down the grocery aisles, and had to mentally keep myself on top of things. I felt that exhausted.

Let my lifestyle now be a warning to any of you who have family issues to deal with. Remember to rest.

My problem is that I take all of this too much to heart. My stomach churns (as it is today) or my head will ache, or I get all wound up with putting too much of myself into my mom's situation. Incredibly hard to do otherwise, and I'm failing miserably in taking care of myself.

So, bought ingredients for Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon (and using cooking wine being that we're tee-totallers, and hoping we can fool the meat into thinking it's real wine) and will commit myself to cutting up two small roasts, drying off the pieces and browning them---and just savoring the process. I'm so excited, partly for the little net bag of boiling onions I got as well. They're cute little beggars. I need methodical work at home that will distract me. Plus, tomorrow is supposed to be a lovely day, or least that's what I heard.

And being that tomorrow is cooking day, am glad I took the kids to church tonight. A very sweet service, to be sure. A contrast to the visited church last week with the noisy pastor. The quiet message tonight was very restful.

Will go now. Am pooped and ready to continue this pleasant evening. Take care.