Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Just into Wednesday

Nice to have some quiet in the house tonight, at least for a little over an hour.  Some of my offspring met up with friends and saw the new Lorax movie.  With four of ours gone, oldest son at late-night work, Gary off at FE and second son eating dinner with a buddy, it just was me and the little girls.  After everyone left, they looked at me expectantly, wondering what my entertainment selection would be.  Uh.  Turns out we played with the dinosaur-like iPhone, putting in a password so one particular brother couldn't play Bakery Story in their place and put in annoying notes on their message board, then they got showered/bathed.  I made them an ice cream dessert and they were satisfied.  Glad they're easy.

Then when everyone got home at about 11pm, the energy level soared. Cooking pizza, talking in a rapid-fire manner and making plain old noise.  Now it's quiet again at 12:30am or so.  Violet and Opal are asleep, Daisy is hunting for food in odd corners, Romeo has finally crashed in the middle of the living room floor and Trigger is making rattly noises in his cage.  All is well.

Will take my shower in a minute.  Have a library fine so can't check out any e-books via my library account, so will have to settle for what's already on my Kindle.  And on Wednesday will DEFINITELY go to noon services where they'll have the Stations of the Cross and Communion. The highlight of my day, to be sure.  Followed by schoolwork and my mom's grocery shopping. The days fill quickly.

Take care, sweet ones.

(photo of violet sunning and being held by middle daughter)