Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday night

Must first share that the Lenten services today at the Anglican church were so sweet.  And, Patricia, you were right about thinking I'd enjoy the Stations of the Cross.  And added to the wonderfulness of the service was being asked by one of the women there (who always hugs me when she greets me) to sit up front with her and her friends.  There were only 8 of us in all, plus the priest and acolyte.  Such an intimate group, and so very special.   And I was asked to join them for a brown bag lunch afterward too, but said I'd do that next Wednesday.  Yay, friendship possibilities!

Feeling more like I belong, and that's always a treat.  I do so love going to that little church.

And my mom looks better after her fall 2 weeks ago. We saw her when we left her groceries this afternoon.  Her face is still a bit swollen and makeup does help with covering up the bruising, but still, she's not fully healed yet.  Older skin and bones take longer to get better, but thankfully with her good attitude, she'll be fine soon. The kids will spend the afternoon with her tomorrow and that'll be nice for everyone.  She needs the company and help around the house and I need the quiet.  I don't deny it.  Plus the kids would benefit being out of the house for a bit.

Now am about to watch a British series Kim shared on her blog.  Saw the first bit last night, and am all cozied up in bed with Daisy and will turn on part two in a minute.  And will stuff my face with a pastry from Panera that third son brought home earlier.  The homeschool families who live several blocks away (there's a whole neighborhood of them, along with a home church) are friends of one of our boys and each week they get day-old breads/pastries from Panera.  LOTS of it.  Today we hit pay-dirt and son brought home a bagful of sweets.  Diane, eat your heart out!  I know Panera is one of your favorites.

Must go now.  Take care.

(photo of cup of coke zero and not tea as should be---had just finished up the tea and was still thirsty---and the stirrer on the side is a wooden crochet hook---lost my nifty zebrawood spoon---nuts)