Then walked down a couple of stores and bought a Greek Salad Wrap at Fresh Market---one of my favorite places to browse and got some sale tea as well, this one called an Italian Almond Tea. I'm drinking it now, and it's yummy. Sort of like drinking a cup of Jergen's lotion, if you get what I'm saying. Almondy goodness.
Paid my library fine too and got a few books, and already began Sarah Strohmeyer's Kindred Spirits, though have only read a handful of pages, so can't comment on the outcome.
Now having finished up my cup of tea and a pumpkin muffin from Panera's bag of wayward pastries (see previous post), think I'll read awhile and then tidy up this place. Oldest son is sleeping off his last overnight of working for a bit, so can't vacuum, but will move things around and dust. This rain is making for such coziness, I need to take advantage of it. Plus having masses of children gone, and the only noises I hear are cars splashing through the rain as they go down the street, dogs breathing/snoring in sleep and the bird banging around in his cage makes for a nice day. All good sounds.
(photo of living room window and the solar-powered little plastic plant i got at the dollar tree---it waves back and forth when light hits it---cheap fun!)