Thursday, March 1, 2012

This and that at around midnight Thursday/Friday

*I get so rattled so easily lately.  Figured that if the house is tidy, then my mental health will be improved.  So,
 today will be domestic engineering day.  With so many humans and pets wandering around the house, the state of our living quarters is pathetic, and I can't stand it anymore. Looking forward to this time tomorrow tonight to see what we've actually been able to accomplish.

*I know I want to change the curtains a bit in the living room.  Trigger the conure got so excited at the shades being up this morning (the curtains had been washed), and with the windows uncovered he acted deliriously happy.  What a nice thought...being that happy. And with the windows up, LOUD!  Very jungle-like. But I like it.  Go figure.  Like we needed more high impact noise?  We're all nuts.

*Listening to a Justin Bieber CD on my laptop now.  March 1st was his 18th birthday and second daughter made cupcakes in his honor.  Like I said, nuts.

*My favorite thing right now is those battery-operated tea lights.  I can get a 3-pack at the dollar store for a buck.  So cute, and the little girls can have them in little candle holders in their beds at night without any danger.

*Since I missed the Stations of the Cross service at St. James last week, I'm hoping to get there this week.  Was telling the kids that a huge appeal of that church is the quiet.  When I walk into the sanctuary and sit down, the peace and restfulness just washes over me.  I crave that.  Really crave it.  While we clean the house, will put together some homemade spaghetti sauce to simmer throughout the day.  Should be an easy meal for the kids to put together while I'm gone.

*Oh, one more photo.  This time of the least one's Barbies about to jump into the tub. The downside of too many Barbies in the bathroom is that the rest of us end up taking showers with the bodies at the foot of the tub for days on end.  We just kick them out of the way.  They don't take up much room, now, do they?  But what you don't see is that there were Barbies lined up even further on each side.  About ten in all, I think!