Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday afternoon

Oldest daughter went to church with sweet Indian boyfriend this morning and he admitted that his mother was nervous (like me) about dinner tonight. They're making chicken curry (yumness!), and she's fretting about the meal.  It'll be grand, I just know it. Here I sound all confident yet am in a bit of a flurry myself.  Glad I was able to get her a plant like the one here.  Presents are always a good thing.

About to take batch #2 of pies out of the oven.  I made four, and figured I'd bake them two at a time so as to avoid the burn of cramming too much stuff in the oven at one time.  And still haven't repaired the oven hinges, so it stays closed with velcro bands during the non-baking times, and a chair with a big bag of dog food pushing against the door works while we bake.  Velcro glue gets too soft when the oven is on.  Found out this the hard way.  Oh, the things you learn as you monkey with repairs (that are overdue, but not a big deal).  Anyway, the only minor frustration was having to use disposable cake pans since the store I went to was out of pie pans.  Lasagna pans, loaf pans, huge unknown pans and not a pie pan in sight.  Well, for deep dish apple pie these work better anyhow.

Truly I think men mostly just 'go with the flow' when entertaining plays out. The women get all in a tizzy with cleaning, cooking and general all around making-things-all-pull-together.  If other families are like ours, the females, pretty much, run the show and the males just have to turn up.  Guess since that works for us, I must like being in control!

Must go and rest for a bit.  Looking forward to the evening, even though it makes me a bit trembly.