Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday evening

Spend the day running hither and yon. Tomorrow the plan is more of the same. Needing to center myself at home, but really not sure when that will happen. Tomorrow morning will take son #3 to the DMV to get an i.d., and hoping that it goes smoothly.  This will be his 3rd visit there---never having the correctly dated information.

And dealing with emotions stemming from husband, once again, injuring his back at work, but he's there working now---keeping on, keeping on.

Sometimes life feels a tad heavy.  And after this morning having to try 3 pumps at the gas station before one worked, and deal with stern and lacking-a-sense-of-humor folk at the eye doctor's (why is that?), and then getting locked out of Gary's truck (which I borrowed today) at a nearby shopping center which felt unsafe----well, the day was a little tetchy. It made me cry, which probably was a good thing.  Good to let it out, whether you want to or not, and locking myself out was the last straw.

Will look forward to Wednesday and Lenten services.  Always restful.  And tonight I'll read more of Frank Peretti's new book called Illusion.  Maybe some hot chocolate and quiet.  With the window up and a breeze playing with the bedroom curtain, there's the opportunity for peace and some solitude.  And maybe my offspring will do likewise.

(photo from stock exchange)