Went to noontime Lenten services and there were, lemme see, nine of us there total---pretty much the same crowd as last week. Cozy. I realize some folks might not understand my attraction to such a small church, but my goodness, I sure love it. And afterward, I did eat lunch with them in the church library. Such nice folks. And I came home feeling so deeply satisfied. It's been awhile since I've mixed with folks in a church setting. Attend church. Yes. Get involved. Not so much. Probably overdue.
As to the rest of the day, took out some lettering on a carryall bag that oldest daughter brought home from her job. She works at a monogramming shop---pretty swanky little place, I think---and one of the employees sewed a pocket shut as it was being machine-embroidered and rather than take the time to remove the monogram and begin again, the owner bought a new bag for the customer. Gave us the spoiled one. A big win for me since the last initial of the bag's owner is "S" so oldest daughter brought it home for me last night. I just had to use the seam ripper and take out the first and middle initials that were sewn in, leaving the cursive "S". Will put my paint supplies in it including a little packet of Japanese watercolors I got in the mail today. Hope it inspires me to get to work.
Now plan on resting. My copy of The House at Tyneford came in the mail as well, and (thanks again Danielle!), am already enjoying it. Looks like a dishy ending to a sweet day.