Today is a gift I'm giving myself. I'm figuring the next couple of days will be busy enough with picking up the van/taking it to the mechanic for a once-over, so today is a laying low sort of day. Necessary to balance out everything.
And it's only 83F outside right now, a bit cloudy and I can definitely do that. It's been so blistering hot, and this is nice. Cicadas are making noise, chickens outside my bedroom window are fussy (they want to free-range in the yard, I know), and the window is up. Still pleasant enough this morning to do that.
Avoiding the news, because if I read it, I'll just get riled up.
Oldest daughter bought ingredients to make something delicious and Chinese for dinner. Will putter in the house, tidy it up, maybe cut some flowers for the table later on after the sun sets off of them. Looking forward to some rainy days. Hope we get some.
That's, pretty much, it. Rest which is good and more necessary the older and more scattered I get.
This post reminds me of going to the drugstore and only buying sodas and toilet paper. Not big stuff, but things that make up an ordinary day. May yours be as uneventful.