Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Untitled, because I don't feel clever...

Well, a mental crash of sorts seems to be a regular thing for me this year.  My word of the year was REST, and it was sort of prophetic.  Didn't realize how necessary to my sanity, though.  I know more about certain things now than I did then, so maybe I am a prophet.

Woke up very dizzy this morning and figure the impact (pardon the pun) of yesterday's mishap finally got to me.  You can live in an adrenaline rush for a bit, then reality hits and down you go.  Least I do.  Oh, and shortly after I woke up, Gary talked to the girl's insurance company and she was beginning to say that there was a witness that said she was innocent and Gary ran the light.  Good grief.  The police report says differently.  After a few more anxious moments, her insurance company back-pedaled and reneged on that statement.  Anxious moments indeed.  
I was supposed to take my mom to the doctor, but Gary went instead with our youngest son to help.  My husband goes and goes and goes.  His famous quote is 'Now what?' which is pretty apt for him.  He can always do one more thing, and if you know he's sick or hurt and ask him how he is, he always says fine.  Always.  I'm not complaining about him because lots of women have whining husbands who will jump at the chance to be sick.  Mine, however, doesn't happen to be one of them, but my foolish notion is that I'm made the same way.  Oldest daughter says to me today, "You're always telling us girls to take care of ourselves, but you don't do it yourself.  Why is that?"  Don't have an answer for her.

The rest of the day should be non-stressful, and hopefully the remainder of the week.  Please.  We now have a rental car...some cute Chevy SUV, but I'm not sure what it is.  Still not sure of the truck settlement.  They may offer a selection of used cars/trucks, but likely we'll lean toward cash to do with as we please, purchase-wise.  

More information than any of you need to read, but I needed to write it.  Also on my mind is fourth son who's today taking off work to move his stuff from his brother's apartment to the place he'll share with his boyfriend.  Yeah, that's enough to make most moms dizzy.  Makes my heart beat fast just to type it.

You all take care.  I've had enough myself.