Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday noon

Last night in bed I began reading, yet another, Faulkner book.  This one is Absalom, Absalom! and by some is said to be his masterpiece.  Had to laugh at the length of his sentences.  The first page is two sentences long---drawn out and full.  Almost poetic how he uses his words.  Words I've never heard before, full of vowels and promise.  

Just had my tea and have been relaxing in bed.  It's almost noon and figured a rest would be a good way to begin the week.  Oldest daughter asked if anything was hanging fire this week, and I told her no.  Actually, we'll get the van (probably on Wednesday), and possibly Gary will be able to get something to replace the Suburban.  I'm praying it can all come about before the weekend.  He's been scouting out Craigslist and, as anyone knows who's shopped there, every day is filled with possibilities.

Anyway, glad to begin a new week.  Getting recovered in a mental way from the accident, which was 2 weeks ago today.  Thankful Gary isn't having anymore back pain.  Always lots happening.

I'll wash the sheets and hang them out, shop for Mom and we'll get her house clean, then I'll feel I can tackle my own nest here.  Like getting her done early and can set her aside in my head.

An ordinary few days will be a treat.  Rain supposedly coming too.  And I figure if we can survive the heat today (yesterday's heat index was 111F.), then lower nineties will feel almost cool.  Yeah, go ahead and laugh.

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Got a text last night from someone who's a friend of son-who's-in-California, with a couple of photos of the beach (and our son) in Oregon where they've taken the retreat staff for a break.  He's sitting on a rock with lots of fog, looking at the water.  He's never seen the ocean before.  I remember my first time, when we went before our wedding to spend Christmas with Gary's folks.  Drove non-stop from here to Maryland.  He took me to Atlantic beach and I remember the sound of the waves before we walked over the dunes.  Never expected it to be so loud.  I cried.  Our son looks a bit awestruck in the picture, which reminded me of my experience.  God seems so enormous at the beach, if you let Him.

The chickens are making chickeny sounds, so might go sit out with them before the heat becomes overwhelming. Already 91F and sunny.  Will take them some cold, chopped up lettuce and lend encouraging words.