Friday, July 10, 2015

Nosy neighbors

My husband says it's more totalitarianism, yet here in a mild way.  It's odd to me what presses folks' buttons anymore.  Our neighborhood association, which we used to be members of before they got so controlling---has begun (according to our oldest daughter who reads their FB page) to post photos of houses in the neighborhood which show wise landscaping choices.  The aim being to thwart crime, and let me tell you, folks are paranoid.  The thing is, every photo shows little marshmallow bushes and lots of space.  We don't comply, so won't have our photo up.  We're the example of what not to do.  

Used to, you could landscape and have a pretty yard, and be left alone.  Now seems folks want to have a hand in your business, which for me, is a new thing.  I'm used to living way under the radar, in all areas.  (Maybe being homeschoolers, that's been a necessary choice in my opinion.)  We landscaped so we could sit on the front porch and not be watched, being the houses are so close together.  It's a nice hideaway.  But porch sitting in our neighborhood is a long gone pass-time.  Nobody much does it, sadly enough.  Guess they're staying inside by the windows watching out, being fearful.

Personally I think home should be all about sanctuary and feeling safe.  Not having to judge our actions on whether anyone else approves.  Gosh, that's not inviting.  The biggest laugh, however, came when the president of the association was cited by the city recently when they toured the neighborhood, looking for violations.  She got hit with five citations.  Her house is neat and tidy, but they have motorcycles they're working on and some construction that's been long-going.  Apparently that's a no-no.

Justice is sweet, even when I'm just watching from the sidelines. Behind the bushes.