Thursday, July 9, 2015

'Jesus Was an Airborne Ranger' by John McDougall, Chaplain, US Army Rangers

The first draw to me in reading Chaplain John McDougall's book Jesus Was and Airborne Ranger came as a result of having a son in the military.  The references and style of writing was very crisp and to-the-point, just as you'd expect from someone in the service.

And considering what I know about the worldliness and harshness (from my son's experience) of the military life, I so appreciate McDougall's book.  He speaks plain and with conviction.  No frills, but truth.

He shares how we've made Christ into a very weak and ineffective sort of God.  Tolerant of the most deviant behavior and more on the sidelines than truly interested in our lives in a personal way.  

He says:  "I don't know about you, but the meek Messiah is far too timid to confront the pressing realities of evil that I, my family, and my fighting men face every day.  He's much too tolerant to stand up for what's right and true and noble and good.  If we follow the wrong Jesus, then we will become like flavorless salt or a hidden candle---completely useless." (Matthew 5:13, 15) 

I hope this book is an encouragement especially to the men and women in the armed forces who daily face discouragement and harsh realities.  He is able.

(i received this book free to review from bloggingforbooks)