Blah, blah, blah. Gripe, gripe, gripe. Van repairs put snafu on getting a second vehicle right now, but Gary's being philosophical about it, well, after he got frustrated. Considering we got the van for free, the stuff the mechanic's doing is pricey, but still, cheaper than what we'd pay for the van. Gary keeps saying, though, "But I'd not buy this van if it was up for sale! Wouldn't even look twice at it." But we're going to go with the flow.
On the bright side, the van has a/c, and the dead Suburban did not. An advantage, to be sure. But with Gary, he identifies with what he drives. A guy thing, I guess. I tend to just enjoy something that looks reasonably decent and runs well. Maybe I'm too easy. Possibly that's a pitfall I've gotten used to. Maybe sometimes my perspective is so skewed to acceptance of what IS, that I fail to see that there are other possibilities.
Life is hard. It just is. Blessings come, yes, but the bumps along the road make it difficult to be joyful, when you probably really should be joyful. I just got my hopes up to have my own vehicle after so many years. Might still happen, but not anytime soon. Unless someone else is giving something away. That would just be weird.
I am grateful for a replacement for our Suburban. Don't get me wrong. I know not to be a big whiner (well, too much of one), but I really was figuring we'd get the oil changed, engine light check figured out and off we'd go. Okay, five things were flagged by the engine light. Moolah.
Some of you might not understand why this is a problem. The thing is, we've gotten caught in this pattern of life throwing us curve balls and nothing seems easy. Catches along the way. Our money is always so tight, and to think, even for a short time, that we'd be able to afford me to have a vehicle during the day and Gary could have a pickup for work, was so splendid. A luxury.
And I'm tired of busted stuff.
Smooth sailing would be a pleasant change. Was thinking of things to name the van. Now I'm thinking Job.