Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The de-cluttering book Your Spacious Self is so wonderful, I've begun reading it again.  The house has begun looking a bit unloved this past week, and it needs care once again.  Seems I have difficulty staying with a program unless someone's encouraging (prodding gently) me.  So, I got out the journal I wrote in while I was reading it, re-reading what I'd penciled in, and rejuvenating myself.

I tend to take things in too huge of a bite.  Figure if I can't finish whatever I set my mind to IN ONE DAY, that I've failed.  Failure is a key word in my make-up, not sure why.  Set myself up to fail, for some reason.  Think ill of myself, bad self-image, all of the above.  And a hard one to cure.

Most every week I thank Gary for being such an encouragement to our kids, especially the girls.  I think it's crucial for men to appreciate and compliment the females living under their roofs.  I never got that, and I'm not blasting my own dad, but it wasn't his way.  Never did I receive positive reinforcement from him, and most likely, it never entered his mind.  He was always working.  In his generation, that was the way.  Go to work, come home, shower, eat dinner, and then sit in front of the t.v. until bedtime.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

Stuff spills over.  And in a physical reality I've learned that it's easy to pad your life with extra pounds to keep folks away.  Provide a barrier so you won't be approached and hurt anymore.  Thankfully my husband doesn't listen to that lie in regards to me, but I do struggle with loving myself enough to lose weight.

Seems this is the summer to slough off things, be it pounds or clutter.  All interconnected, I do believe.