Thursday, July 16, 2015

'Go Ahead & Like It' by Jacqueline Suskin

As far as Jacqueline Suskin's book Go Ahead & Like It goes, I'd have to say that I'm on the fence about it.  I like the idea of her book, but have some issues with it.  I did enjoy reading it and getting to inspired think about the things around me.  Figured our kids might think it was clever, when smack, there's the profanity.  Now, realizing the world today is different than I was younger, seeing/reading certain words still surprises me.  I didn't like the book so much anymore.  Actually pasted a picture on top of the list that offended me.  Guess I used it for what I figured it was originally intended by reading the description, thinking it was more of an interactive scrapbook sort of thing.  

Still, to give Suskin credit, the book is appealing in a way.  Retro-style photographs with a look of seventies-style pictures.  A variety of torn out lists written on old envelopes, cards and odd pieces of paper.  Nicely arranged.

But sadly the ever-common profanity stole my fun.  It wasn't near as enjoyable to read after that page.

(i received this book free to review from bloggingforbooks)